Tacoda to Serve Ads about Its Ads
ClickZ - November 8, 2006 - Call it a public service announcement for the behavioral targeting industry. Tacoda is making a preemptive strike with new ads explaining to consumers the role its technology plays in targeting messages to them. The firm's founder and Chairman Dave Morgan expects a "blow up" in the behavioral targeting industry over privacy concerns, he told ClickZ News during Tuesday's Federal Trade Commission hearings on "Protecting Consumers in the Next Tech-ade."
The Chapell View
I was at the FTC Tech-Ade hearings, but didn't see Dave speak. I think this is an interesting announcement for several reasons.
The Chapell View
I was at the FTC Tech-Ade hearings, but didn't see Dave speak. I think this is an interesting announcement for several reasons.
- From a privacy perspective, it's interesting to see someone in the online media and technology space acknowledge that current mechanisms for providing Notice to consumers regarding their privacy preferences aren't really working. Many in the privacy space have been say that for a while now. And clearly, Regulators are paying attention.
- From a tactical perspective, Tacoda appears to be playing upon the fears of advertisers. At least one FTC Commissioner (as well as other panelists) at Tech-ade referred to openly shaming advertisers who are advertising via Spyware and/or other nefarious advertising vehicles. The message here is "We're the good guys - work with us and you won't end up with your brand on the front cover of the NY Times as part of an FTC settlement." WhenU has made this argument for a while now, tho it isn't clear how successful it's been for them. I suspect Tacoda will have significantly more success as the BT space isn't so wholly negatively perceived... at least not yet.
- Lastly, is Tacoda now driving the marketing with privacy standards? To early to tell if others (including the NAI and IAB) will follow their lead, but this will be interesting to watch...