MediaPost: Search Insider Summit
Tuesday, April 24, 2012, Captiva Island, FL
Tuesday, April 24, 2012, Captiva Island, FL
Presentation: SEM: The Tension Between Privacy and Innovation
Zillions of acronyms identify data privacy based on FTC, DAA,
W3C, NAI and EU guidelines and standards for display and other mediums.
But what role do search engine marketers play in the privacy debate, as
advertisers place icons in display ads to identify compliance? Most
would agree retargeting and keyword segment creation falls under today's
online behavioral advertising rules, but as SEMs innovate and integrate
social with display and mobile, what privacy concepts should SEMs take
to prevent from becoming the next Nebuad or SocialReach? Should the
industry become comfortable with Google's, Microsoft's and Yahoo's lead –
or should SEMs take a proactive stance to forge a path? As the industry
morphs from audience creation to advertiser enablement models, how will
privacy rules change? Join an industry privacy expert to explore how
privacy concepts play a role in SEM.
- Presenter
- Alan Chapell, President, Chapell & Associates @chapell68
Labels: Speaking